Tsjeard Hofstra, Meer Bomen Nu (‘more trees now’) + artist / activist Jack Everett discussing ‘different ways to support trees’
Jack Everett is a sculptor, designer, and writer who has exhibited widely. He was an early proponent and practitioner of eco-design principles working on projects in the UK and internationally. His practice is diverse and regularly blends art, eco-activism, spirituality and elements of performance & ritual pageantry.
The Dutch campaign Meer Bomen Nu collects saplings and shrubs – where they are overabundant or unwanted – for planting elsewhere. Winter 2021 saw 250,000 plants transplanted into gardens and fields with the assistance of 2000 volunteers. Hear about the approach of Meer Bomen Nu with Tsjeard Hofstra in the online presentation and discussion. Could this system work in the UK?